Players and Fans,
We are excited to be kicking off our 7th season of BostonLax! 2019 is going to be an epic year as we provide even more coverage in the form of live scoring, team pages with maps to the field, podcasts, videos, rankings, forum dialogue, recruiting content and much more.
The first thing you will notice is a new offering called “Season Pass”. Going forward, it will feature our most premium content. Our standard offering of game recaps, schedules, scoreboard, and podcasts will remain the same but for 2019 and beyond we are excited to offer an even deeper dive into all that is Boston Lax!
For less than $1.00 a month ($0.83 to be exact) Boston Lax fans looking for the story behind the “dodge, shot, and score” will be able to get in on the action!
Our staff has ached to deliver this level of content to you for a number of years and we are excited to unleash them! We hope you are too!
We are so grateful to have been able to use our platform to showcase the incredible local lacrosse growth these past 7 years. The fan has truly evolved with the player and we have enjoyed being a part of that process! We can’t wait to show you what 2019 has to offer! Thanks so much for your support! We will see you at the (hopefully melted down!) fields very soon!