It's that time again. Lax season has arrived and the ISL will be in full swing in about a week or so. Flano's got our ISL preview with standings predictions, a breakdown of each team and players to watch: Prediction: St. Sebastian’s Thayer Belmont Hill Governor’s Nobles Middlesex Tabor Milton Team previews: Seb’s Loaded defense led by 2024 Brendan Fulham (Duke) as well as 2025’s Devin Maguire (Army), Ryan Farley (Lafayette), Julian Singh, Teddy McKeigue and 2026 Brian Burke. 2026 George Kelly is back at LSM and will be joined by 2027 Sam Weston. 2024's Chris Merageas (Denver) and Michael Quinn (Michigan) as well as 2025 Paul Armstrong (Holy Cross) return on

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